Roof Systems
MR-24® Roof System
The MR-24® Roof System is like a monolithic steel membrane, covering your entire building. The panels are joined together with a Pittsburgh 360 degree double-lock standing seam and fastened to the purlins with a unique clip formed into the seam. Independent surveys show that MR-24® Roof System is the most specified standing seam roof in the market, with more than two billion square feet installed since its introduction in 1969.

BR-II™ 900 Roof System
The BR-II™ 900 Roof System combines great economy with proven BUTLER® building performance. The system is easy to install & maintain and assures weather-tight performance. It offers features that make it the strongest fastened roof system in the industry. Each BR-II™ 900 roof panel features a full 38.1 mm deep corrugation for extra strength. The panels are 900 mm in width and up to 10 meters in length so the roof erection occurs quickly even in case of large buildings.