Value Proposition
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ZINCALUME® steel combines both the galvanic protection of Zinc and barrier protection of Aluminium. On an average ZINCALUME® steel (AZ150) lasts up to four times longer than Galvanised steel (Z275) in similar environmental conditions.

Higher Solar Reflectivity
ZINCALUME® steel has lower thermal mass as compared to conventional building materials, so it does not hold heat for long. The primary source of heat is sunlight. The fine spangle and special surface treatment of ZINCALUME® steel (with SRI value 57) enables it to reflect a greater portion of the sunlight and transmit less energy into the building.

Assured Performance
ZINCALUME® steel is manufactured using most advanced surface treatment technology, coated with special passivation and resin as a separate layer. This double layer protection ensures anti darkening property helping roof and wall cladding look newer for longer.

A surety of Genuineness
ZINCALUME® steel is supplied with a brand mark at regular intervals on the backer coat side of the strip. This assures highest quality, backed by a team of qualified, experienced personnel at Tata BlueScope Steel.

Environment Friendly
ZINCALUME® steel offers several environment friendly credentials. With no welding or wastage during construction; there is no damage to local flora and fauna. Steel is 100% recyclable – which means its life cycle is potentially continuous.